The team at LYP, along with the young people we work with, have been delighted to see restrictions ease lately. Having the building full throughout the day is wonderful to see.
Unfortunately, just as we are getting back to what’s important, we have been informed that a planning application (MO/2021/0654) has been made that would change the AllSaints’ car park into a road for access to 9 proposed flats.
This will put the work we do at risk!
If this application were to be permitted, it would mean the only way to access our front door would be to walk across or up a road, putting all of the building users, including young people’s safety, at risk. We would lose space for car parking and with the increase in volume of traffic inevitably causing further car parking issues, this would reduce the number of customers who can park, therefore negatively impacting AllSaints future!
We believe that permitting this application would put both LYP and AllSaints at risk. We have until 5th June to have our voices heard. We desperately need your help now in opposing this application for the future sake of both our social enterprise and our young people.
If you would like to support us by commenting on this application we have linked 2 options below. (Comments can only be made until 5th June 2021.)
Option 1 – Email: and quote the Planning Reference: MO/2021/0654
Option 2 – Online: First save your comments into a Word Document and then follow this link to submit your comments.
Then, follow the steps below.
- Click Comment on this Application
- Fill in all boxes with a red asterisk*
- Under Comment Detail:
- Role code: tick neighbour or other interested party
- Nature of response: Tick Word Document
- Click add attachment, upload your Word Document containing your comments and click submit.
Ideas for comments:
- The road access point is on the busy and congested Kingston Road, where there are two bus stops, a pedestrian crossing, and lots of pedestrian school traffic particularly to Leatherhead Trinity School, all on a section of the road near the M25 Junction, with limited sight lines and opposite the takeaway pizza premises on the The Parade.
- The All Saints building has a significant amount of pedestrian traffic from customers using the Coffee Shop and young people using the Youth Project. All of which would have to share this entrance with increased and unpredictable road traffic from the new development.
- The proposed site has inadequate parking and access would be straight on to a private and busy car park. The customer parking on the AllSaints Site is already under pressure and inadequate at peak times.
- There is no parking available on neighbouring roads for either construction traffic and extra parking from the new development. They all have parking restrictions on them.
- It’s a large three storey building, which is out of keeping with the neighbourhood of bungalows (including Church Gardens) and semi-detached family housing. It is bigger than the historic and iconic AllSaints Church.
Comments received will be made available for public inspection on the Mole Valley District Council website and you must provide your name and address, otherwise your representation cannot be accepted. This information will be published on the Mole Valley Council website alongside your comments.
Thank you so much for your support.